Dual Language Enrichment Program Campuses

Elementary Dual Language Campuses

Fields Elementary PK - 5th Grade

Gonzalez Elementary PK - 5th Grade

Jackson Elementary PK - 5th Grade

Milam Elementary PK - 5th Grade 

McAuliffe Elementary PK - 5th Grade

Perez Elementary PK - 5th Grade

Sanchez Elementary PK - 5th Grade

Middle School Dual Language Campus

Fossum Middle School 6th - 8th Grade

High School Dual Language Campus

Achieve Early College High School 9th Grade

*If you would like for your child to participate in a Dual Language Enrichment Program, but it is not offered at your home campus, use this link to request a transfer.

Transportation is provided for all transfer students participating in a Dual Language Enrichment Program.

The Purpose of Dual Language

To achieve high levels of cognitive, academic, and linguistic proficiency in two languages, while developing higher order thinking skills and on-grade level concepts in a student-centered, inquiry-based environment.

"He who speaks two languages, is worth two persons." - El que sabe dos idiomas, vale por dos.


   On the shortness of life

Key Elements of the Dual Language Enrichment Program

  1. Develop bilingual and biliterate students by 5th Grade;

  2. Challenging, interactive, and authentic instruction;

  3. Inquiry-based, project-based learning environment;

  4. High levels of collaboration among students;

  5. Teachers teach to the top top 25% of the class;

  6. Use of sheltered instruction to make content comprehensible in the second language;

  7. Reach high levels of literacy in the first and second language across all content areas.