Principal's Message

picture of principal

Hello Morris Stallions,

I would like to formally introduce myself as your new principal of Morris Middle School. I have had the privilege of working in McAllen ISD for 11 years where I have served as an assistant principal, a master scheduler, and a Dean of Instruction. I am proud to join the Morris Middle School family, an exceptional community that continually strives for excellence.

As an educational leader, I believe that schools serve their community by setting high expectations for students to become life-long learners and responsible, ethical citizens. Morris Middle School will continue to provide a safe, supportive, and engaging educational environment where every child feels inspired to learn. Our partnerships with you, our parents, and the community are invaluable to us, and we will continue to work collaboratively with you to support your child’s success.

I look forward to getting to know each of you and to hearing your insights on how we can accomplish our goals together. I welcome your thoughts, ideas, and feedback. Please know that my door is always open and I cannot wait to see what we achieve together this year!


Rebecca O. Bechtold


Morris Middle School

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